Newry Shao
P. Eng., B. Env., OACETT, FSCO
Managing Director
A successful business operator managing several companies in Canada and China. Newry started working her career in the architectural engineer fields for large corporations, including Greater Toronto Airport, Elections Ontario, and Oshawa Utilities and gained great experiences in land use developments, planning policies, architectural and design skills.
She is also a Registered Lobbyist with the City of Toronto and a Member of Ontario Association of Certified Engineering Technicians and Technologists (OACETT). Her continuous achievements and dedication will lead to innovative ideas and great profitable opportunities.
Jack Lou
P. Eng., M. Eng., B. Eng.
Senior Structural Engineer
A registered Professional Engineer of Ontario (PEO) with extensive experience in detail design of civil, structural, mechanical, piping and HVAC system in the largest firms, including AECOM Canada and Cole Engineering with a strong education background of a bachelor degree in industrial and civil engineering and a master degree in structural engineering.
30 years of engineering experience in various transportation and public, water and wastewater, small structure and rehabilitation, and high-rise commercial and residential building projects,
highlighted projects include TTC Hwy 407, upgrade of Union Station, Miami InternationalAirport.